Thursday, 20 January 2011

Working on a Farm

It was Saturday morning and we were going to help P-Pui teach an extra class but due to the visitors, we all had to help out at the college. We all went into TVET with Yok Soyai and helped set up and then we had to do the job that the hotel and tourism students usually do which was serve the food and drink and such. As a pair, I thought that Clem and myself did quite well serving the food and leaflets. Afterwards we sat at the back and had some of the food that was left over and had a laugh as Clem wanted to have a roll with the green custard in but could never find one. She ended up opening loads of packets looking for it and then trying to give them to myself and Yok Soyai when it was something else. She managed to eventually find some. After it was all finished and we had cleared up, we all went to Yok Soyai's house for lunch and we were going to get a massage as well but the place was closed. Instead we decided to go to P-Pui's farm with a picnic. On the way there we stopped off at Seven Eleven to pic up some food and some ice cream and then sat in the back of the pick-up truck and ate our ice creams. Bad idea. Due to the fact that the car was driving along and the wind created and stuff, as soon as we had got our ice creams out of the packets, the wind was basically disintegrating them faster than we could eat them! Our ice crams went everywhere. All over the pick-up truck and even all over ourselves. When we got out, I had ice cream in my hair.
After that little adventure, we arrived at P-Pui's farm and went to help her parents water and sort out the bamboo trees. I had to water them and only water each bamboo tree for 2 minutes while Clem rakes some leaves to certain places, I'm not sure. Let me tell you, it was so HOT out there. I was just standing still and the heat was near to unbearable. I don't know how Thai farmers do it when they are covered head to toe in clothes. After a while we finished and went to sit down in the shade and ate our feast. 

Once P-Pui's parents were finished, we all went back home to get ready to go back to P-Pui's home as we were going to make dinner. We all went to her house after an hour of getting ready and made Tom Yang Goong and fried Chicken for tea. The best part was that the shrimp (goong) was still alive in a metal bowl so if you hot the bowl every so often, the shrimp all jumped really high. It was so entertaining. They all kept on nearly jumping out if the pan when they were being cooked as well which was funny but a bit unnerving when it happens right by your face. We then all ate dinner which tasted good despite the fact that we made it and afterwards we all went up to P-Pui's room and she read our tarrot cards. Mine wasn't to good. I have to wait along time for love and I could get fired soon which is not a good thing. Once that was over we all went back home as we were all quite tired from a hard days work.

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