Monday, 24 January 2011

Teacher's Day

After seeing all the children have so much fun on Children's day, I think its only fitting that we have a Teacher's as well. My wish came true. This day was basically a day where we could all act like kids having a sports day with a massive party afterwards. I think I perfect day.

Even though we all did a sports day, they were not the sports that are usually played in an English sports day. The sports we did were, football, volleyball, hula-hoop, a silly relay, sack race and tug of war. Five schools in Si Saket took part and we all had our own section of the field where we could sit and eat as much food as we liked. I took part in the hula-hoop and the tug of war. Hula-hoop was hilarious as we had no idea what we were doing and were just making it up on the spot! We didn't win. We did win tug of war though. Some people said it was because we has heavy people on the team but said it was because they had lucky farang who aren't fat, all that weight is just muscle.

 As well as taking part in the sports, Clem and myself also did cheer leading which was a lot of fun. We all wore the same outfits and had our hair and make-up done and had a special routine. It was really funny at one point as we were cheer leading as our team was playing football and the ball got kicked over to us. When the SISAT player came over his was said 'Who cares about football, I want to watch the dancing girls'! He took his time getting the ball.

 In the evening there was a big dinner and party for all the teachers. To start with they gave out trophies and we got quite a few. Afterwards we ate, drank and danced. This time I missed my dance with the Director but he danced with all of the others. Unfortunately it finished early so we had to go back. The only thing was that when we got back home we realised that Clem had left her jumper there so we had to go back again. Once we had got there, we couldn't see it so we went to ask someone. When we found a person, Clem was about to ask if they had seen her jumper when she stopped in her tracks as the person we were asking was wearing it. Clem was so embarrassed asking for it back. An amazing day although I did ache a bit over the next few days from the tug of war and the dancing.

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