Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Whist in Chiang Mai having fun shopping in the night bazaar, we had an earthquake! It was only a small one but it was still pretty weird. To start with I didn't realise what was happening. It seemed to me that I had suddenly got really dizzy and everything was moving. It wasn't until a few moments later after seeing everyone faces that it was a small earthquake! We weren't in the centre, that was on the Thai/Burma boarder but as we were close to there, we could feel the tremors. It was over in just a few minutes and there was no damage but afterwards I had butterflies in my stomach and felt weird.. As we were walking around afterwards everyone was on their phones talking to everyone asking if they had felt it or not. When we went back to where we were staying everyone was stood around outside not wanting to go up to their rooms in case of the aftershock. We decided to brave it and made our way to the 9th floor! There were no more earthquakes that night but the next morning I was sat up on the 9th floor chilling when I suddenly realised that the whole building was swaying! Well, that's a new experience for me, I wonder if there will be any more?

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