Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Brightly Coloured Trousers

Even though its the summer holidays, there was a volunteers camp around 30km away to help sort out a local school by doing some painting and decorating. P-Aim went for all the days and we really wanted to go as well but we were too busy. Luckily, we had one free day and P-Aim and her Dad took us up to help. Before we left though, we changed into some absolutely amazing trousers! As you can see from the pictures they are so bright and really good to wear in the hot weather. The choices were purple, orange and pink. I went for the purple (no surprise there). It was quite funny to see us all in matching trousers.
So we went to the school and first went to help with some young kids folding banana leaves into different shapes. Sound easy right? Nope.
To start with I just couldn't get it. Every time I one of the kids showed me what to do, I did the exactly the same thing and it turned out rubbish! We gave up after a but and went to go and help with the painting. That didn't go so well either. Clem was painting the ceiling and accidentally walking into a bucket of paint and she was looking up and got a small bit of paint on P-Aim's trousers!

A quick dash to the toilets though and it was all sorted. Next we tried helping out in the kitchen and this time we managed to get along fine by chopping up vegetables. Well, I say we, but Clem chopped the vegetables and I took pictures.
Just before lunch, P-Aim asked us to teach something to the kids. We weren't to sure but the kids we up for it. We taught them the rainbow song (red and yellow and pink and green). After teaching teenagers for so long who don't want to learn, I forgot how much kids like to repeat songs and such. Our time was up so quickly but the kids had fun which was good. 

After lunch I went back to try and help out with the leaf folding again and somehow, I'm not sure how, I got the hang of it! I actually made some which were good enough to be put into the pot for the next stage!
Unfortunately the day finished too quickly and we had to go back. It would have been so much fun to have been there for all the days but I'm glad I got to go that one time as it was so much fun.

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