Monday, 23 May 2011

Nakon Panom

During May Thailand has a 5 day weekend. From Friday to Tuesday. We were going to go to the south with one of our friends who also works at the college but that fell through the day before so we weren't sure what we would so. We managed to fill the time though. On Saturday we went with P-Aim to see her cousin become a monk. He had already shaved his head so we went to the temple with him and watched him perform all the chants and become a monk. It was really interesting even though we had no idea what was being said. Afterwards we went with her and her sister to Ubon to go to the second hand market. On Monday we went with P-Aim and her family to Nakon Panom. It was a 4/5 hours drive away. We went in a car with her aunt and two of her cousins. It was a smooth ride but the only problem was that I was in the front and Clem was in the back so we could really chat or listen to the i-pod together. We stopped of in Mukdahan (not spelt right) and went up this tower where we could see the border to Laos and the surrounding scenery. There were a lot of trees. We were also really fit and climbed the stair all the way to the top. It was very tiring and seemed to go on forever. It was really sweet though as we could hear P-Aims dad ahead of us speaking words of encouragement like the floor numbers and that we were nearly there. It was funny as we couldn't see him, only hear his voice.

Afterwards we went onto Nakon Panom. We went to a market where I bought a cool green wooden watch. After the market we went to a temple which was beautiful. We even got blessed by a monk and was given a blessing band which is good. Once we had finished we started the long drive back to Si Saket. It was a really good day and I'm glad we were able to go with P-Aim's family.

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